ocIQ – Digitalisation is progressing



As an IT-affine law firm, it is our claim to digitalize processes and make them as efficient as possible. We want to get away from inflexible Word templates, endless email exchange, manual approval processes, hardly findable documents and immature signature solutions. The software solution DocIQ (www.dociq.io), developed (and hosted) in Switzerland, helps us to achieve this and enables us to take new approaches.

Although we import and create our documents in the editor completely visually and without programming knowledge, they are always machine-readable. Using variables, questions and conditions, we can generate forms, letters, documents, policies and contracts of any complexity. What you create once can be used over and over again. Thanks to global clauses, we can also manage individual elements of the documents centrally and thus introduce our own standards across multiple documents and update them organization-wide in a single step.

The work results can be shared with our employees, customers and partners as templates or concrete documents without media discontinuity, collaboratively created and negotiated, provided with rights, signed, executed and filed. Our customers and partners do not need a DocIQ license for this; we can simply invite them. When we share templates with our customers, they determine how to proceed with the specific document. We have no insight into what they do with it or with whom they share it, but we are always just a mouse click away, if and as long as we are actively assigned the appropriate rights.

To gain an insight into our handling of the DocIQ platform, we have illustrated the individual modules of the current draft of the EU Standard Contractual Clauses for free use. You can compare, export and share the modules with your colleagues. HERE you can find more information and a short explanatory video.