IT law in the winter session 2024
In the 2024 winter session, various IT law topics are on the agenda. For us lawyers, the revision of the BEKJ is of particular interest. The subsidisation and sponsorship of digital media also remain key topics. Additionally, a motion will be debated that calls for subsidised media to only permit comments with clear names to limit hate speech.
IT law in the fall session 2024
Various IT law topics are on the agenda for the 2024 fall session. For us lawyers, the discussion of the BEKJ is certainly exciting and interesting. In addition, some competition law topics from the digital sector will also be on the agenda. For instance, the parliament will discuss measures against foreign online marketplaces, as well as an improvement to defend against false online ratings.
Whitepaper Cloud for Healthcare – now available in English!
Our whitepaper “Cloud for Healthcare” is now available in English.
Moving data to the cloud can raise concerns about security, privacy, and compliance for healthcare players. However, it is important to know that the cloud can meet or even exceed these requirements, and that it offers many benefits for business operations. The new whitepaper "Cloud for Healthcare" explains how modern and mature cloud services can overcome legal challenges and enhance efficiency, flexibility, and innovation. The whitepaper can be downloaded for free and provides insight into how the cloud can transform healthcare.
Digital Sovereignty
In the most recent special of Netzwoche journal, Christian Laux explains what is meant by digital sovereignty and explains why digital sovereignty is a matter for states: "A cloud solution does not need to be sovereign. States should be sovereign." Netzwoche's Cloud & Managed Services Special was published on 6 December 2023. The issue is dedicated to digital sovereignty in the cloud and the question of whether this is even possible.
Whitepaper Cloud for healthcare
Our new whitepaper is here! "Cloud for healthcare - solutions for common concerns - not only in healthcare organizations". We provide an overview of health data in the cloud, highlight specific cloud use cases from the healthcare sector and, as usual, discuss common caveats and possible solutions from a legal perspective. This should give cloud users (not only in healthcare) new perspectives and enable real as well as fact-based risk decisions. We hope you enjoy reading this issue.
Revised «Certified Senders Alliance» Directive for Permissible Email Marketing
The goal of the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) is to increase the quality of commercial e-mails. For this purpose, CSA regularly revises its "Directive for Permissible Email Marketing" for the EU area. Perica Grasarevic has listed the Swiss particularities from a practice-oriented perspective in a legal comparison starting in Chapter 6.3. The revised DPA, the UCA and the TCA serve as the legal basis.