Whitepaper Cloud for Healthcare – now available in English!
Our whitepaper “Cloud for Healthcare” is now available in English.
Moving data to the cloud can raise concerns about security, privacy, and compliance for healthcare players. However, it is important to know that the cloud can meet or even exceed these requirements, and that it offers many benefits for business operations. The new whitepaper "Cloud for Healthcare" explains how modern and mature cloud services can overcome legal challenges and enhance efficiency, flexibility, and innovation. The whitepaper can be downloaded for free and provides insight into how the cloud can transform healthcare.
Whitepaper Cloud for healthcare
Our new whitepaper is here! "Cloud for healthcare - solutions for common concerns - not only in healthcare organizations". We provide an overview of health data in the cloud, highlight specific cloud use cases from the healthcare sector and, as usual, discuss common caveats and possible solutions from a legal perspective. This should give cloud users (not only in healthcare) new perspectives and enable real as well as fact-based risk decisions. We hope you enjoy reading this issue.
New FDPA: Implementation and Practice at Law Firms
Implementation of the requirements of the new Swiss Data Protection Act in seven working steps. Here you will find Thomas Steiner's article on the topic, which appeared in Anwaltsrevue 10/2022. It offers guidelines and food for thought – not only for law firms.
New Swiss Data Protection Act
Thomas Steiner and co-panellist Pascale Schwerzmann discussed with the Swiss Informatics Society (SI) how IT professionals can contribute to operationalising compliance with the requirements of the new Swiss Federal Data Protection Act at SI’s EveningTalk of 20 October 2022. Here’s the presentation from Thomas Steiner’s keynote.
New Swiss Data Protection Act – Requirements, Implementation and Application in Law Firms
The new Swiss Data Protection Act (nFDPA) will enter into force on 1 September 2023. At this year’s annual conference of the Swiss Bar Association (SBA), Thomas Steiner addressed the new requirements and their implementation in law firms. The presentation (in German), which can be downloaded here, contains a checklist for the implementation of the nFDPA – not only for law firms. The presentation focuses, in particular, on tips for the creation and implementation of the records of processing activities, the drafting and implementation of privacy notices and for vendor management.